Lakoff, Robin

Incredible! Woman Tacks ‘If That Makes Sense’ Onto Phrases That Definitely Make Sense

This is a satirical article that references women's tendency to use certain features commonly cited in Lakoff's "Women's Language".

Posted by Terra Friedman on October 26, 2017

Lakoff, Robin;
Womens Language

"Ultimate Man Cave" Paint Colors

In 2011, Canadian paint company CIL paints renamed 27 of their paint colors to appeal to male shoppers, with names like "Dirty Socks, "Midlife Crisis, and "Iced Vodka." Citation: Lakoff, Robin. 1972. Language and Women's Place.

Posted by Kara Becker on April 11, 2013

Lakoff, Robin;
Gender Binary;
Womens Language

2010 Color Survey Results

Results from a survey asking participants to label colors in 2010, with an analysis of gender differentiation in the data. Citation: Lakoff, Robin. 1972. Language and Women's Place. Journal of Sociolinguistics.

Posted by Kara Becker on April 9, 2013

Lakoff, Robin;
Gender Binary